Understanding Your Heart's True Desires


Often the very thing that we desire and is aligned for us, is often what we make wrong about ourselves. But if you are willing to dig deeper, if you are willing to explore what’s behind your wall of shame and connect to the desire of what your heart longs for, it will manifest.

Exploring the depths of your desires can often feel like navigating uncharted territories within yourself. It requires courage to confront the parts of ourselves that we've been conditioned to hide or suppress. When we start to peel back the layers of societal expectations, we often find that our true desires have been waiting for us to acknowledge and pursue them. This journey of exploration is not about rebelling against norms for the sake of it but about aligning more closely with the essence of who we truly are.

For many years I made myself wrong for wanting to be in a devoted partnership, just like the one I am in now. 

One that is devoted to Truth, Love, and Desire. 

So, I pretended I didn’t want that and lied to myself by saying “I don’t know what I want” or “I am not looking for anything serious” or “I am fine on my own.”

Embracing Vulnerability for Personal Growth

What I hadn’t realized back then is that getting in touch with my deep desire didn’t feel safe. Which is true for many of my beautiful women also. 

And it makes sense… 

Because to connect to it, they often have to journey into their world of fearful doubts which can feel overwhelming and deeply triggering.

“What if I never manifest the relationship I want?” 

“What if I am doomed to be on my own forever?”

Acknowledging our vulnerabilities is a crucial step toward understanding our deepest desires. It involves creating a safe space within ourselves where we can openly express our fears, doubts, and insecurities. This space allows us to gently question the validity of these fears and begin to see them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. When we approach our vulnerabilities with kindness and compassion, we pave the way for a deeper connection with ourselves and, by extension, with others.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt

“Why can I not be like others who haven’t had to go through any divorce or conflict?”

“Is there something wrong with me?”

Paradoxically, it can feel easier to just lie to yourself about not wanting what you shame yourself for so that you don’t need to confront the doubts and fears.

The Path to Recognizing and Fulfilling Your Desires

Until the day comes, like it did for me, and like it does for them, when you realize that the reason you don’t have what you desire isn’t because there is anything wrong with you or that you are somehow deficient. 

It’s because you have been misinterpreting your shame as Truth and believing it. 

Nevertheless, your heartfelt desire is never wrong and will always be aligned with your soul.

Embracing our true desires involves a profound level of self-acceptance. Recognizing that our desires are a fundamental part of who we are enables us to move beyond the shame and fear that may have held us back.

Discovering Your Unique Path to Love and Partnership

As it is for me and my beautiful women also.

Turns out that my radiance gene key is a 6. In other words, what keeps me the most healthy is to be in an intimate partnership with another. And at its fullest expression, to have these sorts of relationships with everyone. ❤️🥰

Go figure 😻🙈.


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